
Showing posts from June, 2018
The Machetes   (Traditional Madeiran musical Instruments) Herman Vandecauter        actualized 18/6/2023   Madeira, a Portuguese archipelago located in the Atlantic Ocean, has a rich musical heritage that includes a variety of traditional instruments.     One of the most famous Madeiran instruments is the Machete de Madeira. It is a small stringed instrument with a distinct Madeiran style. The Machete has four strings D G B D , with a body shaped like a figure-eight. It is often used in traditional Madeiran folk music and accompanies songs and dances but also melodic parts and solo music.      Another important Madeiran instrument is the Rajão. The Rajão is a plucked instrument that resembles a small guitar. It has five strings. Like the Machete, the Rajão is used in traditional folk music, particularly in the Bailinho da Madeira, a popular dance style in Madeira.     The Cavaquinho a cousin , is c...